CAPTAIN'S CHRONICLES: Brume - Rabbits (Review)

We Villagers are a busy lot this time of year, what with the silliness of year-end (and decade-end) lists. Thus, Captain Graves has taken the reins in the review department, as of late. Good thing too--the longer he's occupied with killer tunes, the more time we have to dig our own graves. - Ed.  

Written by: Capt. Graves

We ate way too much Tumulan fungi last night in the Village. Needless to say, there wasn't much sleep going on. Instead, I spent the night listening to Rabbits by Brume, and down the hole I went chasing that fluffy white rabbit. In that hole I found a wonderland with talking animals and floating clocks. 

The first track, "Despondence," brings you in and out of riffs and atmosphere. The vocals here are extremely powerful--they will send you spiraling into the abyss, and shoot you back out the other end. One thing I didn't enjoy about this track was the length. It felt like it was going nowhere by the end, like I'd been listening to the same riff for hours. "Scurry," however, has much more depth in the songwriting, and really starts to bring out the band's strong suits. More soaring vocals to send me deep into space, where I belong. A nice gentle atmospheric interlude to bring you around to an epic, slow, gritty guitar solo. This song feels like it has some nu-metal influence, and I can dig it.

"Blue Jay" has a beautiful cello intro into a nice vocal, and piano piece. This song reminds me of an 80's ballad, and I really think more bands should being those back. The cello throughout this song is damaging to the heart. So much pain and suffering put into that instrument, hits me just the way I like.

"Lament" is completely driven by guitar. I think the intro is a bit too long, and the riff kind of stays the same through the whole song. It's a great guitar riff, just not at 11 minutes playtime. And then, "Autocrat's Fool:" I really like how Brume let everyone shine, this track starts with a cool drum intro. It reminds me of some sort of Celtic war song. Their instrumentation is top notch, and that fuzzy guitar tone is just so fat and epic.

I had not heard Brume before receiving their press kit, and damn I'm glad I chose to listen. These are great musicians with a ton of knowledge, and it shows. Can't wait to see what they have coming next. I'll keep the Tumulan fungi close by, awaiting the next release by this powerhouse trio.

Brume Rabbits  was released Nov. 22nd from Magnetic Eye Records 

Brume can be found: