Wonderbox Metal End of Year List – Best Metal of 2019


Another year gone by, where does all the time go? Listening to metal I suppose, that’s where. Every year brings more metal delights, so I invite you to partake of 30 of my favourites from the rather metallically fertile 2019. Let me know which ones are your favourites to!


Brume – Rabbits

Sitting proudly at this year’s top position is the wonderfully realised Rabbits by Brume. Beautiful, haunting vocals crest upon waves of rich heaviness, all carefully crafted into songs that exemplify how emotive, evocative, and powerful doom metal can be in the right hands. This is a fantastic album blessed by the gods of longevity and depth, one which is an utterly essential listen for any fan of emotionally-charged metal. This deservedly sits atop this pile of high quality albums as ruler of this year’s roost.